Goof, goof and more goof

18 May 2023

🌟 Celebrating the Power of Change!

First things first, let’s raise a glass and toast to the incredible magic happening in our client group! Our clients, just like you, have embarked on a journey that’s as exciting as it is challenging. But fear not, darlings, because together we’re conquering every obstacle and embracing our inner fertility superstars!

💃 Say Hello to Jen – The Fertility Warrior Extraordinaire!

Hold onto your fertility hats, ladies, because we have a showstopper of a success story to share! Say hello to Jen, the ultimate Fertility Warrior who has transformed her health and vitality to boost her chances of conceiving. This fierce lady has waved goodbye to excess body fat, empowering herself to take control of her fertility destiny. She has removed two dress sizes from her body, worked hard and made huge improvements to her stress levels and boundaries but most of all – her fertility!

💃 Sustainable Is the New Sexy!

Let’s get real for a moment. We’re all about that sustainable lifestyle, and we’re not talking about fad diets or fasting here. No, no! At The Fertility Mentor, we believe in nourishing our bodies with delicious meals every day, because let’s face it, who wants to live off shakes alone? Or skipping breakfast and calling it intermittent fasting? Or being so strung out you can’t think of what to eat so have cereal for dinner. 

💁 Confidence Is Our Middle Name!

Ladies, let’s take a moment to bask in the glow of our unwavering confidence. At The Fertility Mentor, we know that each and every one of you has the power within to achieve greatness. We’re here to remind you that you are fierce, fabulous, and fully capable of bringing your dreams to life. So, embrace your inner Davina McCalls and strut your stuff with a confidence that screams, “I am the queen of my fertility domain!”

🎉 Let’s Party Like Fertility Rockstars!

Remember, darlings, The Fertility Mentor is here to be your guide, confidante, and cheerleader throughout this incredible journey. We believe in you, and we’re committed to helping you embrace your power, conquer stress and anxiety, and transform your health for the better.

If you have any questions, triumphs, or hilarious stories you’d like to share, don’t be shy! Reach out to us because we’re all ears and ready to cheer you on.

If you know you need a little extra help, why not book a free call with me to chat about your fertility journey and also nail yourself an awesome subscriber-only bonus if you decide to work with us?

Here is the link to my diary. 

With sass, laughter, and endless fertility sparkle,


Summer Ravin’

3 May 2023

What are your weekend plans? Spring and summer is finally making it’s way to Scotland. I was delighted to sample lots of April showers last weekend when my husband and I really showed our age and headed to a daytime rave. Dancing by day and tucked up in bed by 10pm after a few too many watered down festival lagers. Even had dry hair because my cheap Amazon wig took the brunt of the inevitable rain. 

I understand that the journey to parenthood can be overwhelming and isolating at times. But rest assured, you are not alone. With fertility awareness, we can work together to understand your body and make informed decisions about your sexual and reproductive health.

I know that the fear of never having a baby can be daunting, but let’s face it, life is too short to not find the humor in our struggles. So, in honor of the long weekend here in the UK, I’m taking my family camping to the lake district to sample their rain. I promise to come back with some good stories to share with you all!

In the meantime, I want you to know that you are wanted and valued in this community. We are all here to support each other and share in both the highs and lows of this journey. Let’s continue to navigate this together with empathy and humor.

Remember, it’s okay to feel stressed and overwhelmed at times. But by taking small steps and making informed decisions, we can overcome these obstacles and ultimately achieve our goal of becoming parents.

Speaking of community, have you joined our Facebook group yet? It’s a great place to connect with others who are going through similar experiences and find the support you need. Consider this your official invitation to join us!

Wishing you a wonderful long weekend and looking forward to connecting with you soon.

All my rainy and ravey regards


Looking after future you…Now

11 May 2023

Well hello there and happy Friday to you and yours !

My family and I headed to the Lake District last weekend and enjoyed some surprising sunshine, gorgeous walks and lots of laughs in between. During our last evening together, our campsite neighbor came to say goodbye, explaining that the weather forecast was predicting heavy rain showers from the middle of the night, right into the following day, so they had made the decision to pack up early and leave.

Mr Innes and I had already enjoyed a few beverages by this point, so driving home early was not an option for us, plus we had promised the kids we were staying an extra night. But the thought of taking down our enormous awning in the rain (see pic!) didn’t sound like much fun at all.

So we put our beers down, and packed the awning away right there and then. It took about 40 minutes and meant that we didn’t have it playing on our minds all evening, and the next morning we woke up in our camper feeling happy, dry, and smug that we didn’t have to go out and get soaking wet.

This made me think about the future friend theory that I speak to my clients about very regularly. It’s true that when dealing with infertility, nobody really truly understands your exact feelings or scenario. You are the only one who has access to that. 

But what if you could start looking after your tomorrow self now? Or your next year self tomorrow?

I’m not talking about time warps, I’m talking about investing now to make it easier tomorrow. Just simple things like leaving your supplements next to the kettle before you go to bed, planning a few meals ahead before you go shopping. These small habits really do add up. And it means you can replace that feeling of overwhelm, fear, cant-be-arsedness with a feeling of pride and happy smugness. Does that make sense?

Wishing you an awesome weekend and please do reply to this email or join my many communities for more banter, fertility chat and tips.

All my best

Claire xx

PS – Always here if you need me. 

Fertility Expert Claire Innes on the Latest Rapamycin Research and What It Means for You

The realm of fertility treatments has been buzzing with the latest research on rapamycin, a drug showing promising results in improving egg quality. As a television-featured fertility expert, I’m thrilled to share that while the initial outcomes are positive, they’re not conclusive just yet. The studies have so far focused on women under 35, leaving us eager to see how rapamycin might benefit those of us over 35, where egg quality typically takes a nosedive. Although the test group is small, efforts are underway to recruit more participants, marking a significant step forward in women’s reproductive medicine—an area I’m deeply passionate about. This is undoubtedly encouraging news, but remember, we can’t underestimate the power of nutrition, lifestyle, and stress management in boosting egg quality.

Introduction to Rapamycin Research

What Is Rapamycin?

Rapamycin is an immunosuppressant drug originally used to prevent organ transplant rejection. It’s derived from a bacterium found on Easter Island, and its primary function is to inhibit a protein called mTOR, which regulates cell growth and metabolism. Recently, researchers have been exploring rapamycin’s potential beyond its initial medical applications. The drug has shown promise in extending lifespan and improving health markers in animal studies. Its ability to slow down cellular aging processes has sparked interest in its use for enhancing fertility. By potentially slowing ovarian aging and improving egg quality, rapamycin could provide new hope for women struggling with age-related fertility issues. However, it’s crucial to note that while early results are promising, more extensive studies are needed to confirm its efficacy and safety in this new context.

Current Study Highlights

The current study on rapamycin is a groundbreaking venture in the field of women’s reproductive health. Conducted by Columbia University, the research aims to determine whether rapamycin can slow ovarian aging and thereby extend fertility. Initial results are promising, showing that rapamycin could decrease ovarian aging by 20% in women under 35. The study, known as the Vibrant study, has started with a small group of 34 participants, but efforts are underway to expand this number significantly. Participants have reported improvements not only in fertility markers but also in overall health, energy levels, and even skin and hair quality. However, it’s essential to acknowledge that the study’s outcomes are not conclusive yet and primarily focus on younger women. More extensive research, including women over 35, is needed to fully understand rapamycin’s potential benefits and risks in a broader demographic.

Importance of Fertility Research

Fertility research is crucial for advancing women’s reproductive health and offering new hope to those struggling with infertility. As women delay childbirth due to career, education, or personal reasons, age-related fertility issues become increasingly prevalent. Studies like the one on rapamycin are vital because they explore innovative solutions that could extend the reproductive window and improve egg quality. Additionally, fertility research helps in developing treatments that can mitigate the impact of conditions like polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and endometriosis, which affect millions of women worldwide. By understanding the underlying mechanisms of ovarian aging and fertility decline, researchers can create targeted therapies that offer more effective and less invasive options. This not only enhances women’s health but also empowers them to make informed decisions about their reproductive futures. Overall, continued investment in fertility research is essential for improving outcomes and quality of life for women everywhere.

Positive Outcomes So Far

Findings in Women Under 35

The initial findings of the rapamycin study have shown promising outcomes for women under the age of 35. Participants in this age group experienced a significant decrease in ovarian aging, estimated at around 20%. This means the drug has the potential to extend the reproductive lifespan by slowing down the natural aging process of the ovaries. Additionally, women involved in the study reported noticeable improvements in their overall health, including increased energy levels and better skin and hair quality. These positive changes align with other studies that suggest rapamycin can enhance various health markers. However, it’s important to remember that these findings are preliminary and specific to a younger demographic. The small sample size also means that more extensive research is necessary to validate these results. Nonetheless, the early outcomes are encouraging and pave the way for further investigations into rapamycin’s potential benefits for fertility.

Potential Benefits of Rapamycin

Rapamycin’s potential benefits extend beyond just improving fertility. The drug is known for its properties as an immunosuppressant and its ability to inhibit the mTOR protein, which plays a crucial role in cellular aging. By slowing down the aging process, rapamycin could enhance overall health and longevity. Participants in the current study reported improvements in their energy levels, memory, and even the quality of their skin and hair. These benefits are consistent with other research indicating that rapamycin can increase lifespan and revitalize the immune system. In the context of fertility, slowing ovarian aging could mean more viable eggs for a longer period, reducing the urgency and stress often associated with age-related fertility decline. However, it’s essential to approach these benefits with cautious optimism, as more research is needed to fully understand the drug’s long-term effects and optimal dosage for different age groups.

Small Test Group Limitations

While the initial results of the rapamycin study are promising, it’s important to acknowledge the limitations posed by the small test group. With only 34 participants, the findings cannot be considered definitive or broadly applicable. A small sample size increases the risk of statistical anomalies and makes it difficult to generalize the results to a larger population. Additionally, the current participants are all under 35, a demographic that typically experiences fewer fertility issues compared to older women. This means the positive outcomes observed may not translate to women over 35, who often face more significant age-related fertility challenges. Efforts are underway to recruit more participants, which will help to validate the initial findings and explore the drug’s efficacy across different age groups. Expanding the study will provide a more comprehensive understanding of rapamycin’s potential benefits and limitations, paving the way for more targeted and effective fertility treatments.

Need for Broader Studies

Urgent Need for 40+ Studies

There is an urgent need for studies focusing on women over 40 to fully understand rapamycin’s potential benefits for this demographic. Women in this age group face a significant decline in both the quantity and quality of their eggs, making it more challenging to conceive. Current research predominantly targets younger women, leaving a critical gap in our knowledge about how rapamycin might help older women improve their fertility. Addressing this gap is essential for developing comprehensive fertility treatments that can benefit a broader range of women. Expanding the study to include participants over 40 would provide valuable insights into the drug’s effectiveness and safety for older women. This is crucial for ensuring that fertility treatments are inclusive and address the needs of women at different stages of their reproductive lives. By broadening the scope of research, we can move closer to offering effective solutions for all women struggling with fertility issues.

Expanding the Test Group

Expanding the test group is essential for validating the initial promising results of the rapamycin study. While the current findings are encouraging, they come from a small sample size of only 34 women under 35. To gain a more comprehensive understanding of rapamycin’s potential, the study needs to include participants from diverse age groups and backgrounds. This will help determine if the drug’s benefits extend to older women, who face different fertility challenges compared to younger women. Increasing the number of participants will also minimize the risk of statistical anomalies and provide more robust data. Recruitment efforts are already underway, aiming to scale the study up to at least 1,000 women. By doing so, researchers can better assess the drug’s efficacy, optimal dosage, and long-term safety. Expanding the test group is a crucial step toward making rapamycin a viable option for improving fertility across a wider spectrum of women.

Campaigning for More Research

Campaigning for more research in women’s reproductive health is crucial to advancing fertility treatments and solutions. Despite the promising initial results of the rapamycin study, the need for broader and more inclusive research is evident. Advocating for increased funding and support can help ensure that studies like this one expand to include older women and more diverse populations. By raising awareness and pushing for more extensive research, we can address the gaps in current fertility treatment options and make them more accessible and effective for all women. This is especially important for those over 35, who face unique challenges that younger women do not. As a television-featured fertility expert, I am deeply committed to promoting more comprehensive studies that can lead to groundbreaking treatments and improved outcomes. Your voice and support can make a significant difference in driving this essential research forward, ultimately empowering women to make informed choices about their reproductive health.

The Bigger Picture

Nutrition and Lifestyle Factors

While the rapamycin research is exciting, we cannot overlook the significant impact of nutrition and lifestyle factors on fertility. A balanced diet rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants can improve egg quality and overall reproductive health. Foods like leafy greens, nuts, seeds, and lean proteins provide essential nutrients that support ovarian function. Additionally, maintaining a healthy weight through regular exercise can positively influence hormone balance and menstrual regularity. Stress management is another crucial aspect; chronic stress can disrupt ovulation and negatively affect fertility. Techniques such as meditation, yoga, and mindfulness can help reduce stress levels and create a more conducive environment for conception. It’s essential to adopt a holistic approach that combines medical treatments like rapamycin with healthy lifestyle choices. By addressing both medical and lifestyle factors, women can maximize their chances of conceiving and maintaining a healthy pregnancy.

Stress Management’s Role

Stress management plays a pivotal role in fertility and overall well-being. Chronic stress can disrupt hormonal balance, leading to irregular menstrual cycles and ovulation issues, which can complicate conception efforts. High stress levels also increase the production of cortisol, a hormone that can negatively impact reproductive functions. Techniques such as mindfulness meditation, yoga, and deep-breathing exercises can help mitigate the harmful effects of stress. Regular physical activity is also beneficial, as it helps release endorphins, the body’s natural stress relievers. Additionally, setting boundaries and prioritizing self-care can create a more balanced and less stressful lifestyle. Support systems, whether through friends, family, or professional counseling, are invaluable for emotional resilience. Incorporating stress management strategies into daily routines can significantly enhance fertility outcomes, making it an essential component of any comprehensive fertility plan. By addressing stress, women can improve their chances of conceiving and maintain a healthier, more balanced life.

Personalised Fertility Solutions

Personalised fertility solutions are essential for addressing the unique needs and circumstances of each woman. Fertility is influenced by a complex interplay of factors, including age, medical history, lifestyle, and stress levels. A one-size-fits-all approach often falls short of providing the best outcomes. Personalised fertility plans take into account individual variations and tailor interventions accordingly. This could involve specialized dietary recommendations, targeted supplements, and customized exercise routines to optimize reproductive health. Medical treatments, such as hormone therapies or assisted reproductive technologies, can also be tailored based on specific needs. Emotional support and stress management techniques should be integrated into the plan to address the psychological aspects of fertility. By focusing on personalized solutions, women can receive more effective and comprehensive care, improving their chances of conceiving and maintaining a healthy pregnancy. Empowering women with tailored fertility strategies enables them to make informed choices that align with their unique lifestyle and health goals.

Conclusion and Next Steps

A Milestone in Fertility Medicine

The recent rapamycin research represents a significant milestone in fertility medicine, offering new hope for women facing age-related fertility challenges. For the first time, a study is exploring the potential of a drug to slow down ovarian aging, thereby extending the reproductive lifespan. This groundbreaking approach moves beyond treating symptoms to addressing the root causes of fertility decline. The initial findings are promising, but they are just the beginning. Expanding the research to include a more diverse and larger group of participants will provide a clearer picture of rapamycin’s efficacy and safety across different age groups. This study underscores the importance of continued investment in fertility research to develop innovative treatments. It also highlights the need for a comprehensive approach that includes medical interventions, nutrition, lifestyle changes, and stress management. As we move forward, these combined efforts can pave the way for more effective and personalized fertility solutions, empowering women to take control of their reproductive health.

The Road Ahead for Women

The road ahead for women in the realm of fertility treatments is both challenging and full of potential. While the initial rapamycin research offers a beacon of hope, it’s crucial to continue advocating for broader studies and more comprehensive fertility solutions. Women over 35, in particular, require targeted research to address their unique reproductive challenges. As the scientific community works to expand the scope of studies, women can also take proactive steps in their fertility journeys. This involves not only exploring medical treatments but also embracing holistic approaches that include nutrition, lifestyle adjustments, and stress management. Support systems and personalized fertility plans can make a significant difference in navigating this complex landscape. By staying informed and advocating for more inclusive research, women can empower themselves to make informed decisions about their reproductive health. The future holds promise, but it requires collective effort and continued dedication to advancing women’s health and fertility options.

Empowering Your Fertility Journey

Empowering your fertility journey involves taking control of the factors within your reach and staying informed about new advancements. While medical treatments like rapamycin offer exciting possibilities, the importance of a holistic approach cannot be overstated. Incorporating balanced nutrition, regular exercise, and effective stress management techniques can significantly enhance your reproductive health. Personalized fertility plans tailored to your unique circumstances can provide targeted support, addressing your specific needs and challenges. Building a strong support system, whether through friends, family, or professional counseling, can offer emotional resilience during difficult times. Staying proactive and advocating for yourself in medical consultations can ensure you receive the best possible care. Remember, you’re not alone in this journey. By combining the latest scientific advancements with practical lifestyle changes, you can take meaningful steps towards achieving your fertility goals and maintaining a healthy, balanced life.

Infertility and Deception: My Perspective on The Man with 1000 Kids

Infertility is a heart-wrenching journey that many women, like those featured in the Netflix documentary “The Man with 1000 Kids,” navigate with immense courage and desperation. As a fertility expert, I’ve seen firsthand how the high costs of sperm bank donations and assisted reproductive technologies (ART) push women to the brink, sometimes leading them into the clutches of deceitful individuals preying on their vulnerability. In this blog post, I’ll share my perspective on the documentary, empathise deeply with the women longing to hold their babies, and express my contempt for the man who exploited their dreams. Let’s dive in and discuss how we can support each other in this challenging journey.

Heartbreaking Realities of Infertility

The emotional toll of infertility is profound and often isolating. Women facing infertility frequently blame themselves, feeling a deep sense of failure and guilt. This emotional burden is only amplified by societal pressures and the ticking biological clock. Many women, like those in “The Man with 1000 Kids,” experience desperation, willing to do anything to become mothers. This intense longing can lead them to make risky decisions, sometimes falling prey to deceitful individuals. The journey through infertility can be a rollercoaster of hope and despair, with each failed attempt chipping away at their emotional well-being. It’s crucial to acknowledge these feelings and offer support, reminding them they are not alone and their worth isn’t defined by their ability to conceive. Understanding and empathy from loved ones and professionals can make a significant difference in navigating this challenging path.

High Costs of Sperm Donations

The financial burden of sperm donations is staggering. With prices ranging from £5-30k per donation, many women and couples find themselves in a difficult position before even considering the additional costs of assisted reproductive technologies (ART). These high costs can be prohibitive, leading women to seek alternative, less regulated options. Unfortunately, this desperation can make them vulnerable to scams and deceitful individuals, as seen in “The Man with 1000 Kids.” The financial strain adds to the emotional toll, creating a vicious cycle of stress and anxiety. It’s essential to highlight these challenges and advocate for more affordable and accessible fertility treatments. By raising awareness and pushing for change, we can help alleviate some of the financial pressures on women and ensure they can pursue their dreams of motherhood without falling prey to exploitation.

Desperation and Vulnerability

Desperation and vulnerability are constant companions for many women struggling with infertility. The intense desire to become a mother can cloud judgment and lead to decisions that might not be in their best interest. In the documentary “The Man with 1000 Kids,” we see how these emotions make women easy targets for deceitful practices. Their vulnerability is exploited by individuals who promise them the dream of motherhood but deliver only heartbreak and betrayal. This desperation is not born out of weakness but from a profound and natural longing to nurture and create life. Society often fails to recognize or support these women adequately, leaving them to navigate this challenging journey alone. It’s essential to foster a community where these women feel seen, heard, and supported, ensuring they have the resources and emotional backing to make informed and safe decisions on their path to motherhood.

The Man with 1000 Kids: A Deceptive Tale

Preying on Vulnerable Women

The documentary “The Man with 1000 Kids” reveals a chilling narrative of how one man exploited the desperation of vulnerable women. These women, driven by their profound longing for children, became easy targets for his deceptive schemes. He preyed on their hopes and dreams, offering them a seemingly attainable path to motherhood while hiding his true intentions. This exploitation is not just a betrayal of trust; it’s a violation of their deepest aspirations. The emotional and psychological damage inflicted by such deceit can be long-lasting, further complicating their already challenging fertility journey. It’s a stark reminder of the importance of safeguarding vulnerable women and ensuring they have access to reliable, ethical fertility services. By raising awareness and advocating for stricter regulations, we can help protect future hopeful mothers from similar exploitation and support them in achieving their dreams in a safe and respectful manner.

The Consequences of His Actions

The consequences of the man’s actions in “The Man with 1000 Kids” are far-reaching and devastating. Not only did he shatter the dreams of countless women, but he also created a complex web of familial connections that will affect many lives for years to come. These women, who entrusted him with their hopes, now have to grapple with the emotional fallout and the reality of raising children born from deceit. The children, too, will eventually face the truth of their origins, which can lead to identity crises and emotional turmoil. Moreover, this betrayal undermines trust in the entire fertility industry, making it harder for genuine professionals to support and assist women in their fertility journeys. It’s crucial to address these consequences and offer support to those affected, ensuring they have the resources and emotional backing needed to navigate the aftermath and rebuild their lives.

Ethical Implications and Repercussions

The case of “The Man with 1000 Kids” raises significant ethical questions and repercussions for the fertility industry. The man’s actions were not only morally reprehensible but also exposed glaring loopholes in the regulatory frameworks governing sperm donation and assisted reproductive technologies (ART). The exploitation of vulnerable women highlights the urgent need for stricter ethical guidelines and better enforcement mechanisms to protect those seeking fertility treatments. Additionally, this deceptive tale undermines public trust in fertility services, making it harder for honest professionals to provide the support and care that women need. The ethical implications extend beyond individual cases, affecting the broader societal perception of fertility assistance. To prevent future occurrences, it’s imperative to advocate for comprehensive ethical standards and transparent practices in the fertility industry, ensuring that the dreams of hopeful parents are safeguarded and respected at every step.

Unveiling the Realities of IVF Funding Inequality: Insights Featured in Pink News

I’m excited to illuminate a topic that is not only pivotal but deeply personal to many—IVF funding inequality. As a featured expert in a recent Pink News article, I’ve taken the opportunity to distill the essence of our conversation and expand upon it here for our community.

Breaking Down the Barriers: A Closer Look at the Interview

As we navigate the complex journey of fertility, it’s clear that access to IVF treatments is not a level playing field. In my dialogue with Pink News, we shed light on the stark disparities that exist within IVF funding, especially for lesbian couples. Here, I’ve highlighted some thoughtful excerpts from the article:

“The fertility landscape is marred by inequities, with lesbian couples often shouldering a disproportionate financial burden. It’s essential to recognize and rectify these disparities to create an inclusive system that caters to all who yearn for parenthood.”

In the blog post, I delve deeper, discussing the often unspoken hurdles and providing practical advice for overcoming them.

Empowering Through Education:

While the feature was comprehensive, there’s always more to the story. Therefore, I’m using this platform to share further insights:

  • Understanding Policy: Many are unaware of the specific policies and criteria that govern IVF funding. I break these down and discuss how they specifically impact lesbian couples and individuals struggling with infertility.
  • Navigating Financial Avenues: Financial planning is crucial on the fertility journey. I offer guidance on budgeting for IVF and exploring alternative financing options that might be less apparent.
  • Community Support: I emphasize the importance of seeking community support, where shared experiences can not only comfort but also inform and guide through the complexity of IVF.

Your Journey, Your Voice

As I often say, knowledge shared is power multiplied. My aim with this extended look into our collective struggle with fertility challenges is to foster a conversation that’s long overdue.

You’re invited to read the full feature at Pink News.

At the heart of it, this is more than just information—it’s about ensuring everyone who dreams of starting a family has the fair chance to pursue that dream. Let’s continue to speak up, educate, and bridge the fertility gap together.

A shallow dive into Comprehensive health…

Embarking on a journey towards conception is more than just a medical quest; it’s about embracing a comprehensive approach to your health and well-being. At The Fertility Mentor, we’re dedicated to providing you with a detailed, scientific, yet accessible pathway to enhance your fertility prospects.

Understanding the Science Behind Fertility

Fertility can be influenced by numerous factors including hormonal balance, nutritional intake, and lifestyle choices. Insights from recent scientific studies highlight the critical role these elements play:

  1. Hormonal Health: Hormones such as oestrogen and progesterone are vital for reproductive health. Imbalances can impact ovulation and implantation. Integrating foods rich in phytoestrogens, such as flaxseeds and soy, can naturally help regulate these hormone levels.
  2. Nutritional Insights: Nutrients like folic acid, zinc, and vitamins D and E are crucial for both egg and sperm quality. A diet lacking in these nutrients can lead to reduced fertility. Emphasising a varied diet rich in fruits, vegetables, nuts, and whole grains ensures you receive these essential nutrients.
  3. Lifestyle Considerations: Stress levels and physical activity directly affect fertility. Persistent stress can lead to hormonal imbalances, particularly with cortisol, which can disrupt reproductive hormones. Incorporating regular moderate exercise, such as walking or yoga, can improve circulation, reduce stress, and enhance overall reproductive health.

The Role of Epigenetics in Fertility

The emerging field of epigenetics provides fascinating insights into how lifestyle and environmental factors can affect gene expression related to fertility. This area of study underscores the importance of maintaining a clean and balanced lifestyle to optimise your genetic potential for fertility.

Practical Steps to Apply Science to Your Daily Routine

To apply these scientific insights practically:

  1. Tailored Nutrition Plans: Begin with a nutrition assessment to identify any deficiencies, and develop a diet plan that addresses these while promoting hormonal balance.
  2. Mindful Stress Management: Regular mindfulness practices, such as meditation, can help manage stress and its effects on your body
  3. Consistent Health Monitoring: Regular check-ups are vital to track hormonal health and make necessary adjustments to your health plan.

We understand that each fertility journey is unique, which is why we offer personalised plans tailored to meet your individual needs. If you’re ready to take control of your fertility with a comprehensive, structured plan, why not connect with us?

Book your free consultation today and start your tailored fertility journey with expert guidance every step of the way.

On your side, always

Claire Innes

Subject: 🌟 Taking a Break to Refresh, Recharge, and Reignite

Hey, Warrior! I am thrilled to share that I will be unwinding on a well-deserved break for the next two weeks to cherish moments with my favourite humans. In the midst of your fertility journey, it’s crucial to prioritise self-care, taking time off to nurture your well-being. Kindness towards oneself is a powerful tool on this path, embracing the rest we deserve.

During my holiday, although socials will run, calls and lives are on pause until my return on 10 April. For those eager to connect after my break, feel free to head to my booking link to secure your discovery call. Stay fabulous and take care of you!

The Importance of Rest in Our Fertility Journey

Rest is not just sleep; it’s a vital component of a fertility journey. Our bodies are incredible machines, but they can’t run on empty. Just as we need nutrients to nourish our bodies, we also need down time to allow our systems to recuperate. Stress plays a notorious role in fertility challenges. It can throw hormones off balance and make the road to conception bumpier. By stepping back and giving ourselves permission to relax, we help to reset our stress levels. This, in turn, can help create a more favourable environment for conception. It’s about giving yourself grace during a time that demands so much emotionally and physically. So, as I take this break, I encourage you to find moments for rest in your life. Your fertility journey isn’t a race; it’s a marathon, and every runner knows the importance of a good rest.

Stay Tuned on Social Media Channels

Social media channels won’t be going into hibernation. They’ll remain active, serving as a hub for inspiration, tips, and stories that resonate with your fertility journey. You’ll continue to see posts that educate, empower, and encourage you to keep pushing forward, even when the going gets tough. These platforms are designed to be a space for support, a place to remind you that you’re not alone in this. Expect to see regular updates that will keep you informed, motivated, and connected to the community we’ve built together. While I may not be available to respond to messages in real-time, I encourage you to engage with the content, share your thoughts, and support each other. So, make sure you’re following, liking, and joining the conversation – your voice matters in this community.

In case you aren’t already following all of our channels – here’s a quick recap on where to find all of my content and advice:


Facebook Business page

Facebook group for anyone TTC

Facebook group specifically for over 35s

LinkedIn page

I would absolutely love to see you there!

Temporary Pause on Calls and Lives

I want to ensure that when we talk, you’re getting the absolute best of me – fully focused, fully present. To make that possible, I’m putting calls and live sessions on hold while I’m away. This isn’t a goodbye; it’s a short intermission for the sake of long-term gains. Rest assured, the moment I’m back, we’ll resume our sessions with the same passion and dedication as always. In the meantime, I trust that you’ll continue to find value in the resources available to you, and remember, the pause is only temporary

If you know you need more…

Even though I’m stepping away for a moment, your journey towards fertility shouldn’t stall. That’s why my booking calendar remains open, ready for you to schedule a discovery call for when I return. Taking this next step is simple—you can secure a slot that suits you directly through the booking link. This is more than just a call; it’s an opportunity for you to discuss your challenges, goals, and get a personalized plan that fits your unique journey. It’s a space where you can ask questions, seek advice, and most importantly, feel heard. Booking now means you’ll have something solid to look forward to, and I’ll have the pleasure of knowing there are many inspiring conversations waiting for me. So, if you’re ready to take control and move forward, book your discovery call today.

Looking Forward to Reconnecting: 10th April Onwards

Mark your calendars for the 10th of April, because that’s when our paths will cross again. I’m genuinely looking forward to diving back into our conversations, catching up on your progress, and continuing to support you on your fertility journey.

In the meantime, keep moving forward and remember that every step you take is a step towards your goal. Keep your spirits high and your focus clear, and before you know it, we’ll be reconnecting and taking the next steps together. So, here’s to a fruitful break and an even more fruitful reunion. See you on the 10th!


From Privilege to Purpose: Championing Fertility Awareness on National Television

From being interviewed by Ellie Costello and Peter Andre for their breakfast TV show over the weekend, I had the privilege of shedding light on fertility awareness for women aged 35 and above, stressing the significance of egg quality over quantity. During the interview, I underscored the power of consistency on the trying to conceive journey, advocating for progress over perfection each time.

I firmly believe that staying committed and consistent is key on this path; it’s better to do 80% correctly for an extended period than achieve 100% momentarily. I am truly humbled and honoured to have been given this platform to discuss such crucial topics on national television. Advocating for fertility awareness and equity is not just an honour but a privilege.

Advocating for Fertility Awareness: A Vital Cause

When discussing fertility, the quality of eggs is a crucial piece of the puzzle, especially for women over the age of 35. On national television, I emphasised that while the number of eggs decreases with age, the health of the remaining eggs is paramount. It’s about understanding that fertility isn’t just a numbers game; it’s the vitality and resilience of each egg that can make the difference. Good egg quality increases the chances of successful conception, a healthy pregnancy, and the well-being of the future child. This is why advocating for awareness about egg quality is so essential. It’s not merely education; it’s providing a foundation for women to make informed decisions about their reproductive health, and possibly saving them from heartache. It’s time we shift the focus and ensure that the conversation about fertility is as much about quality as it is about quantity.

Consistency: A Crucial Factor on a TTC Journey

In any trying to conceive (TTC) journey, consistency emerges as a cornerstone for success. It’s about making continuous, dedicated efforts towards a goal that’s often shrouded in uncertainty. During my TV appearance, I stressed the importance of maintaining a consistent approach to fertility practices—be it in diet, exercise, or monitoring one’s cycle. Fluctuating between extremes is less effective than steady, consistent habits that create an environment conducive to fertility. It’s the daily choices, like choosing nourishing foods and managing stress, that accumulate and have a significant impact. This principle of regularity also helps in coping with the emotional rollercoaster of TTC. By fostering consistency, we encourage resilience and perseverance, empowering women to feel more in control of their fertility journey. It’s the small, consistent steps that pave the path to achieving the larger goal of a healthy pregnancy.

Engaging in Consistent Good Practice

The path to fertility is often a test of endurance rather than a sprint. Engaging in consistent good practice is about adopting habits that enhance fertility and sticking with them. It’s the routine intake of a balanced diet, the regularity of physical exercise, and the consistent pursuit of mental well-being. These practices aren’t just boxes to tick; they’re integral to creating a solid foundation for fertility. Sustaining these habits can be challenging, but it’s the commitment to consistency that often makes the difference. It’s not about being perfect every single day; it’s about making more good choices than bad ones, consistently over time. This approach builds resilience and fosters a sense of control, which is particularly empowering on a journey that can sometimes feel unpredictable and overwhelming. Consistent good practice isn’t just a strategy; it’s a lifestyle that supports the ultimate goal of a healthy pregnancy.

The Ebb and Flow of Motivation

Motivation on the fertility journey is like the tide; it comes in waves and sometimes recedes. It’s completely normal to have days brimming with hope and determination, followed by moments of doubt and exhaustion. This ebb and flow is a natural part of the emotional landscape when you’re trying to conceive. The key is not to let the low tides of motivation wash away your commitment. It’s about finding ways to anchor yourself during those times. Remember why you started this journey, celebrate the small wins, and lean on your support system. It can help to set small, achievable goals to maintain momentum and remember that every step forward is progress. Embracing the fluctuating nature of motivation can help build emotional resilience, keeping you grounded and focused on your path to parenthood.

Being a Friendly Advisor: Shaping the Conversation towards Fertility Fairness

In my role as a fertility advocate, I aim to be the friendly advisor who guides you through the noise and nonsense, towards a fairer understanding of fertility. It’s about creating a conversation that’s inclusive and free from judgment. I encourage open dialogue, where questions are welcomed and myths are debunked. We tackle the tough topics head-on, always with a foundation of factual, evidence-based information. It’s this approach that can shift the public perception and lead to a broader conversation about fertility that’s fair and equitable. By being approachable and relatable, I help to shape a narrative where every individual feels empowered to take control of their fertility journey, equipped with the knowledge to make informed decisions. It’s through these conversations that we can promote a more balanced and fair approach to fertility and reproductive health.

In conclusion

If you have made it this far – please let me tell you how far out of my comfort zone this interview was, and indeed, even talking about myself in this blog post so much. I have been challenged more than once recently to open up more, talk about myself, my passions and my quirks.

I really hope you have enjoyed this blog post, and indeed I hope you caught my segment.

Till next week


Unveiling the Traits of Type A Personalities: Are You One of Them?

Most of my clients are stereotypical Type A personalities, but what does that mean? And is it relevant in a fertility contect? 

Exploring the distinct traits of Type A personalities unveils a world of ambition, drive, and determination. Those embodying these qualities are often go-getters, thriving on achievement and setting high standards for themselves. While this mindset propels them towards success, it can also lead to overwhelming stress and neglect of self-care when things go wrong. Many individuals, like my clients Lesley and Ivy, who epitomise Type A characteristics, find it challenging to pause, listen to their bodies, and prioritise their well-being. In this blog, we delve into the upsides and downsides of being Type A, offering insightful anecdotes and guidance for those navigating the delicate balance of ambition and self-care. Encouraging them to consider delegating stress to experts, seeking support, and embracing a more balanced approach, let’s embark on a journey towards empowerment and self-compassion.

What Does it Mean to Have a Type A Personality?

Having a Type A personality isn’t just about being competitive or ambitious; it’s a comprehensive mindset that affects how you interact with the world. Individuals with Type A traits often exhibit a relentless drive to achieve, a sense of urgency in their actions, and a strong competitive streak. They are the ones who set alarmingly high standards for themselves and push hard to meet them. It’s not about winning for the sake of winning, but rather a deep-seated need to excel and control their environment.

However, this constant push to be the best can come at a cost. Type A individuals may find it hard to relax and frequently experience high stress levels. They’re often involved in a perpetual race against the clock, making it difficult to appreciate the moment. Understanding these traits is crucial in managing the potential downsides of a Type A personality.

Common Traits of Type A Personalities

Type A personalities are characterised by a set of common traits that can easily set them apart from the crowd. They tend to be highly organised, always looking for ways to use time more efficiently. They’re often proactive and take initiative, not just in their careers but in all areas of life. A strong sense of urgency can make them impatient with delays and unproductive time.

Additionally, Type A individuals have a competitive nature, not only with others but also with themselves, constantly striving to improve their last performance. They can handle, and even thrive under, high-stress situations, though this can lead to issues if not managed properly. It’s also common for them to be perfectionists, which drives their high achievement but can result in frustration when perfection is not attainable. Recognising these traits is the first step in harnessing the positive aspects while mitigating the stress and anxiety that can accompany them.

The Silver Lining: Benefits of Being Type A

The Drive that Fuels Success

The drive of Type A individuals is a powerful engine for achieving success. This inner force propels them to set and accomplish goals that others might find daunting. Their motivation often comes from a deep desire to excel and a fear of falling short of their high expectations. This can result in impressive achievements in both their professional and personal lives.

It’s this same drive that can turn obstacles into stepping stones. Where some might see a setback, Type A personalities often see a challenge to overcome. Their resilience in the face of adversity can be remarkable, as they use it as fuel to push even harder towards their objectives. This relentless pursuit of success, however, needs to be tempered with periods of rest to prevent burnout. Balancing their innate drive with self-care ensures that they can enjoy the fruits of their labour without compromising their health.

Taking Charge in Situations

One standout benefit for individuals with Type A personalities is their ability to take charge in situations. Their confidence and assertiveness equip them to lead and make decisions swiftly when circumstances demand it. They are not afraid to step up, take responsibility, and drive forward to achieve the necessary outcomes. This leadership quality is invaluable in both personal scenarios and the workplace, where direction and decisiveness are often needed.

Their proactive approach often inspires others to follow their lead, creating momentum and encouraging a culture of action and results. This can be especially beneficial in high-stress situations where hesitation can lead to missed opportunities or compounded problems. However, it’s important for Type A individuals to balance their take-charge attitude with collaboration and empathy, ensuring that they lead with respect and consideration for the perspectives and needs of others.

The Unseen Side: When Things Go Sour

The Pitfalls of Overworking and Overachieving

While drive and ambition can lead to success, they can also result in overworking and overachieving, which come with their own set of pitfalls. Type A individuals are at risk of burnout from constantly pushing themselves beyond their limits. The compulsion to work incessantly might lead to neglecting other important aspects of life, such as family, friends, and health.

By the time most women talk to me, they have already started on an unhealthy pattern of guilt, blame and self hate. Here’s the thing. Type As are not practiced at not getting what they want. So they work harder, faster, stronger, burn themselves out until they are a literal hamster on a fertility wheel. 

Outsource Stress for a Healthier Life

The Advantage of Having a Dedicated Guide

Outsourcing stress by having a dedicated guide can be a game-changer, particularly for Type A personalities who may struggle with managing their high stress levels. A guide, whether a coach, mentor, or therapist, can provide an objective perspective and help you navigate through challenges. They bring expertise in stress management techniques and can offer personalised strategies that align with your specific needs and lifestyle.

A dedicated guide also holds you accountable, ensuring that you implement the necessary changes to reduce stress. They can help you recognize when you’re taking on too much and need to delegate or step back. Moreover, they can be a source of support and encouragement, helping you to maintain a healthy balance between work and personal life. Investing in professional guidance is not just about managing stress; it’s about optimising your overall quality of life.

Ready to Take the Leap? Book a Call Today!

If you’re feeling the weight of stress and it’s time for change, take the leap and reach out for support. Booking a call with me can be your first step towards a healthier, more balanced lifestyle. It’s an opportunity to talk through your challenges and explore solutions tailored to your unique situation.

There is no one size fits all approach with fertility, it all starts with booking a call and going from there.

Endometriosis Awareness 2024

This Endometriosis Awareness Week, I want to take a moment to shed light on this often misunderstood condition and its profound impact on female fertility. Endometriosis affects approximately 1 in 10 women worldwide and is a leading cause of infertility.

Endometriosis occurs when tissue similar to the lining of the uterus grows outside of the womb, causing inflammation, pain, and sometimes infertility. Family and friends’ minimizing attitude toward symptoms can contribute to increased emotional burden for women facing misunderstanding. It’s not just physical pain; it’s a constant emotional battle.

Let me share Sharon’s journey with you. Before working with us, Sharon was barely eating for fear of aggravating her inflammation and was constantly fatigued. But in just three months of tailored nutrition and coaching, she transformed her life. By identifying trigger foods and increasing her intake of essential nutrients, she not only improved her health but also dropped three dress sizes and rediscovered her strength and vitality.

At The Fertility Mentor, we understand the unique challenges women with endometriosis face, and we’ve helped many like Sharon conceive by optimizing their nutrition and enhancing egg quality.

This week, in honor of National Endometriosis Week, I’ll be sharing valuable content on managing endometriosis and its impact on fertility. Join the conversation, share your experiences, and let’s support each other on this journey.

Remember, you’re not alone, and together, we can overcome the challenges of endometriosis and reclaim our fertility.

PS – here are my socials, come on over and join the convo!

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Over to you…

Controversial: Are embryos babies?

I wanted to chat with you about some recent news that’s been making waves in the realm of reproductive rights, particularly concerning a recent ruling from the Alabama Supreme Court regarding embryos. It’s got me thinking about how this might impact folks undergoing fertility treatments, like IVF. I’d love to hear your thoughts on the matter and what you reckon the long-term implications could be.

So, here’s the scoop:

  1. Accessibility of IVF: The Alabama Supreme Court’s decision has got us pondering about the accessibility of IVF, especially for those who are already dealing with financial constraints. Do you think this ruling might lead to more legal hoops to jump through and possibly drive up the costs of IVF treatments? It’s a worry, especially for those who are already feeling the pinch.
  2. Ethical Concerns: Another biggie is the ethical side of things. With this ruling, there’s a concern about couples being compelled to donate their embryos against their wishes. How do you feel about that? It’s a tough spot to be in, and it could really mess with folks’ heads and hearts.
  3. Advocating for Support: In times like these, having a solid support system is key. That’s where I come in! As your Fertility Mentor, I’m all about providing the right info and backing you up when it comes to your reproductive rights. Let’s work together to tackle these challenges, arm ourselves with knowledge, and fight for fair access to fertility treatments.

What are your thoughts on all of this? I’m all ears!

Take care,

Claire x

The real cost of staying stuck

When faced with the challenges of infertility, many couples turn to various fertility treatments such as in vitro fertilization (IVF) to fulfill their dream of starting a family. However, the cost of these treatments can be overwhelming, both financially and emotionally. But what if I told you that there is a cost involved in not taking any action at all? The cost of staying stuck and not seeking help or guidance in your fertility journey can have long-lasting effects on your mental well-being, your chances of conceiving, and even your bank account.

What’s the true cost of doing nothing?

The decision to pursue fertility treatments or to work with a fertility coach is not an easy one. It often comes with a hefty price tag and a lot of uncertainty. However, it is important to consider the cost of doing nothing. The cost of staying stuck in a place of frustration, sadness, and hopelessness can be detrimental to your mental health and overall well-being. The toll it takes on your relationship, your self-esteem, and your ability to cope with the challenges of infertility cannot be underestimated.

The mental load, the stress, the longer term financial strain, losing more eggs, potentially months and years on your fertility journey.

Infertility is not just a physical condition; it takes a toll on your mental and emotional well-being as well. The constant worry, anxiety, and stress that come with trying to conceive can be overwhelming. The financial strain of fertility treatments can add an extra layer of stress and anxiety, as the costs can quickly escalate. And let’s not forget the toll it takes on your body and the potential loss of precious eggs as time goes on. Every month, every year that goes by without taking action can mean a decrease in egg quality and fertility potential.

I have clients who have saved thousands in medical expenses by working with me because they fell pregnant naturally and did not need to do IVF. I have helped clients appeal to the NHS to get funding for IVF when they were told they were ineligible.

Working with a fertility coach can offer you valuable guidance and support throughout your fertility journey. As a fertility coach, I have seen firsthand the positive impact that coaching can have on couples struggling with infertility. I have had clients who were able to conceive naturally and avoid costly medical interventions such as IVF after working with me. I have also helped clients navigate the complex world of fertility treatments and successfully appeal to the NHS for funding when they were initially deemed ineligible. The financial savings and emotional benefits that come from working with a coach are invaluable.

If you are considering paying so much for ART, surely it makes sense to invest that little bit more on your self, and your egg quality, to double down on your chances that it will work.

When facing the high costs of assisted reproductive technology (ART) such as IVF, it is natural to question whether it is worth the investment. However, investing in yourself and your egg quality can greatly increase your chances of success with fertility treatments. By working with a fertility coach, you can optimize your overall health, improve your egg quality, and increase your chances of conceiving. Investing in your well-being and taking proactive steps towards improving your fertility is a wise decision that can pay off in the long run.

The cost of staying stuck is substantially more than the cost of working with a coach.

In conclusion, the cost of not taking action in your fertility journey can be far greater than the financial expenses associated with fertility treatments or working with a fertility coach. The mental and emotional toll, the potential loss of time and eggs, and the strain on your relationships are all factors that need to be considered. By seeking support and guidance, you can navigate the challenges of infertility more effectively and increase your chances of success. So, instead of focusing solely on the financial costs, consider the cost of staying stuck and take a proactive approach towards your fertility. It may just be the best investment you ever make.

Why Comprehensive Coaching is Worth the Investment

I pride myself that my coaching package is one of the most comprehensive on the market. With weekly, one to one calls and daily interaction and accountability. This level of support ensures that you have consistent guidance and motivation throughout your journey. It’s not just about providing information, but about being there every step of the way to answer your questions, address your concerns, and help you stay on track.By investing in comprehensive coaching, you are investing in yourself and your future. The guidance and support you receive can be invaluable in helping you overcome obstacles, make informed decisions, and ultimately achieve your goals. It’s like having a personal cheerleader and mentor by your side, empowering you to take action and make positive changes in your life.

Reach out now to learn more. You have nothing to lose and literally, everything to gain.